POC Archives - Nadra Card Center UK
November 28, 2024
November 28, 2024

Yes, a person who holds a POC card will be eligible to buy property. If you have POC you can benefit yourself with similar rights as citizens whether you’re nonresistant Pakistanis and foreigners of Pakistani origin. The POC acts as a legal identification document for property transactions. You can also open the banks in Pakistan by using POC.

How to Apply for a POC card online?

Applying for a POC card online is straightforward and easy. Begin by visiting Nadra Card Center UK, where you may finish the full procedure from the convenience of your own home. If you’re a first-time applicant, set up an account by completing basic personal information. If you have previously applied, please log in using your current credentials. Once logged in, complete the application form, ensuring that all information is correct and up to date to minimize delays. Next, provide legible and correctly structured scanned copies of the needed papers to confirm your eligibility. After submitting your papers, go to the payment area and select your chosen processing time. The application price will vary according to the processing speed you pick. This simplified method eliminates the need to visit an office.

Importance of POC

The Pakistan Origin Card (POC) is a significant document for overseas individuals of Pakistani descent. It provides various benefits in Pakistan. It permits for visa-free travel, commercial transactions, and many more without the need for additional licenses. Losing the POC can be problematic, but don’t worry—you can apply for Lost POC under a specific category and receive a new one, particularly for people who rely on it for travel or to manage legal and financial affairs in Pakistan. Without the card, people may encounter delays while entering the country or utilizing financial services. Reapplying for a missing card can be time-consuming and disruptive to these advantages. Frequent travelers may also encounter complications at immigration. To minimize difficulties, keep the card safe and report any loss immediately.

How We Use Your Data?

We simply require your name, address, NICOP, and a few supporting papers. If we acquire your information indirectly, we will tell you where it originated from and what type of data we have. Your information is only used for certain purposes, and we have legal authority to use it in order to fulfill your document application. We will only keep your data for the duration of the application process, and once completed, we will trash it.


To summarize, the Pakistan Origin Card (POC) provides several benefits, It serves as a formal identity for a variety of legal and financial operations, making it a must-have document for Pakistanis living abroad. The procedure of applying for a POC card is straightforward and may be completed fully online, removing the need to visit an office. However, losing the POC card may be a major nuisance, particularly for individuals who travel regularly or rely on it to manage property or legal problems.

As a result, it is critical to maintain the card safe and report any losses promptly. Your personal information is carefully protected, used exclusively for particular purposes relating to your application, and discarded after the process is completed.

December 12, 2021
December 12, 2021

People occasionally purchase and confirm their tickets and they just discover that their Pakistan Overseas Card has expired. We understand how upsetting and discouraging it is to learn at the last minute that your NICOP is no longer valid. It will ruin your entire mood because you were so looking forward to seeing your friends and family after such a long time. If the NADRA Card UK wasn’t there to tell you what to do, you might be in a lot of trouble. We have a quick and simple solution for you that won’t disrupt your plans to visit Pakistan, we’ll finish your application the same day and send you a travel submission letter. You can easily travel with that submission letter and original expired card.

Safe Method

This service allows you to submit your application and receive a letter of permission to travel. We send your application for processing after receiving it and provide you with a submission letter. You can travel freely with this letter and your original expired NADRA (NICOP) Card. Yes, it is a completely safe method, The NADRA Card and the Federal Immigration Authority of Pakistan have allowed dual nationality citizens to travel to Pakistan in this manner.

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